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…in deutscher Sprache
- Gesetzliche Anforderungen und Aufsichts- und Verwaltungspraxis der nationalen und europäischen Behörden
- Interne Organisation der Geldwäsche- und Terrorismusfinanzierungsbekämpfung in Auslandsbanken und ausländischen Finanzinstituten
- Durchführung der Sorgfaltspflichten (CDD), einschließlich Durchführung durch Dritte und Auslagerung
- Transparenzregister und Unstimmigkeitsmeldung, Kontenwahrheit und Vergeblichkeitsmeldung, Verdachtsmeldungen an die FIU
- Optionale Exkurse: Finanzsanktionen, Geldtransferverordnung, CRS/FATCA
- Das deutsche Bankensystem – Struktur, Besonderheiten und Auslandsbanken in Deutschland
- Bankaufsicht aus deutscher und europäischer Perspektive
- Das Einlagensicherungssystem
- Übersicht über die wichtigsten bankaufsichtsrechtlichen Regelungen
- Corporate Governance Grundlagen
- Aufgaben und Pflichten des Vorstands
- Zusammenwirken zwischen Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat
- Der Vorstand im Konzern
- Besonderheiten bei regulierten Kreditinstituten
- Haftung
…in englischer Sprache
- Legal requirements and supervisory and administrative practice of national and European authorities
- Internal organisation of anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing in foreign banks and foreign financial institutions
- Implementation of due diligence obligations (CDD), including third-party implementation and outsourcing
- Transparency register and discrepancy reporting, authenticity of accounts and futility reporting, suspicious activity reporting to the FIU
- Optional excursions: Financial Sanctions, Funds Transfer Regulation, CRS/FATCA
- The Banking Industry in Germany – Structure, Features and Foreign Banks in Germany
- Banking Supervision from a European and German Perspective
- Deposit Guarantee Schemes
- Overview of the most important Banking Supervisory Regulations
- Corporate Governance Basics
- Tasks and Responsibilities of the Executive Board
- Interaction between the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board
- The Executive Board in the Group
- Special Features for Regulated Credit Institutions
- Overview of Liability
- Introduction to the supervisory framework
- Capital requirements for institutions (overview)
- Calculation of risk-weighted assets (RWA) and own funds acc. to CRR
- Approaches to risk measurement for credit risk: Credit Risk Standard Approach (CRSA) and Internal Ratings Based Approach (IRBA)
- Leverage Ratio
- Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) and Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR)
- Large exposure rules
- Upcoming regulatory changes
- (on request) The treatment of trading book activities (e.g. counterparty credit risk, market risk, etc.) acc. to CRR and advanced/internal approaches of risk measurement
- Introduction to the supervisory framework
- Overview of BaFin’s MaRisk and ICAAP guidelines
- MaRisk: General business organisation, strategies and business planning, outsourcing, resources and contingency planning
- MaRisk: Special requirements to credit origination and monitoring, non-performing exposures and trading activities
- Control functions: Risk controlling, compliance, internal audit
- Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP) and Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (SREP)
- Upcoming regulatory changes
- (on request) Banking business audits carried out by Deutsche Bundesbank